Privacy Policy

7.1 Information Technology and Freedom

The client is informed that, in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to information technology, files, and freedoms, the information they communicate through the forms on the Site is necessary to respond to their requests and is intended for Puppies&Yoga, as the data controller, for administrative and commercial management purposes.

Puppies&Yoga undertakes that no personal information of the client will be published without their knowledge, exchanged, transferred, assigned, or sold on any medium to third parties.

In accordance with Article 34 of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to information technology, files, and freedoms, the client has a right of access and rectification concerning the data concerning them, a right they can exercise by writing to the following address: Puppies&Yoga – 11 rue Edmond Valentin, 75007 Paris.

This automated processing of information has been the subject of a declaration to the CNIL, number pending.

7.2 Cookies

The Site uses cookies. A cookie is a computer file stored on the hard drive of the client's computer. Its purpose is to indicate a previous visit to the Site and therefore does not allow identification or constitute Personal Information. Cookies are used by Puppies&Yoga only to personalize the service offered. The client retains the option to oppose the recording of cookies by configuring their internet browser, which may result in the inability to access certain services.


The Site is a protected work and remains the exclusive property of Puppies&Yoga, which created and published the web pages, images and script sources, and the underlying data. Unless otherwise stated, Puppies&Yoga holds the copyright on each of the pages making up the Site, its structure, as well as on each of the elements that compose it: trademarks, logos, illustrations, drawings, models, photographs, images, and more generally all other elements present on the Site, whether registered or not.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the Site, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited without the prior written authorization of Puppies&Yoga.

Any unauthorized use of the Site or any of its components will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


By registering and participating in the puppy yoga class (hereinafter referred to as "the class") offered by Puppies&Yoga, you agree to the terms of this customer image use clause. This clause governs the use of images, photographs, videos, or any other visual content (collectively referred to as "visual content") captured during the class.

Consent to image use: By participating in the class, you consent to your image, including your face, being captured and used by Puppies&Yoga for promotional, advertising, and marketing purposes, including on its website, social media, communication materials, and publications.

Use of visual content: By accepting this clause, you grant Puppies&Yoga a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, transferable, and sublicensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, publicly display, and publicly perform the visual content captured during the class, for the purpose of promoting and marketing the class and related activities of Puppies&Yoga.

Responsible use: Puppies&Yoga commits to using visual content responsibly and respecting your privacy. However, you acknowledge that Puppies&Yoga cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality of the images or videos captured during the class, especially in the event of hacking or inadvertent disclosure.

Right of withdrawal: If you wish to request the removal of a specific image in which you appear, you can contact Puppies&Yoga by providing specific details about the relevant image. Puppies&Yoga will strive to process your request promptly, subject to its legal obligations.

Responsibility of Puppies&Yoga: Puppies&Yoga undertakes to use visual content in a professional and respectful manner. However, Puppies&Yoga cannot be held responsible for the misuse or unauthorized use of visual content by third parties once it has been made public in accordance with this clause.